
Boudoirs are definitely one of the best gifts you can give. But most people think it’s a gift FOR someone else. I couldn’t disagree more. It’s starts with YOU. You being open and vulnerable to viewing yourself in a powerfully raw way. These sessions are more than buying some expensive lingerie and trying to create a version of what you think people want. It’s what you want. What makes you feel empowered and sexy.

Also, it’s an unhealthy amount of fun. Prancing around a gorgeous room in your undies with your favorite playlist on and grade A makeup leaves you with a heightened sense of confidence for the rest of the day. Do you have to be a size 0? No. Do you have to be a fitness model? Absolutely not. Do you have to know how to pose? Not at all. (I’m an amazing coach ) all you need is a little self love and the confidence to celebrate yourself